Wednesday, February 20, 2008

all in the plan

all in the plan
when will it end
can we believe
the new conceived
of change
promises of this
promises of that

went to harvard
so what does that prove?
much like the others
but skin will do groove

secrect societies
I do say
where did he go
did he stay in their

Or have they paid him to
hope to the masses

he talks a good f--k
he talks and he talks
but the secret still holds
can he walk his talk folds?

if he can do it
so put on them glasses

and think about change
and think about it
think about him
before you pull shit

its a plan to decieve
it's a plan to take part
it's a mish mash of crap
and they want us to start

to believe
and let us think change
yes I'm a cynic
cause I been there
done and seen it
and its all not fair

we need plain ol people
yes color is good
but pro politicians
can do shit like wood

vile puke and misery
deceiptful brothers can bring
on us the changed ones
who want more that singing

the blues

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